Friday, April 29, 2011


1. Collabrcam - To use the app, between two and four iPhones, iPod Touches or iPads can be connected via wifi. The director of the shoot will then be able to view all the cameras’ streams on his or her device, and select which footage should be visible on the main video stream at any one given time

2. 100Video - The video rental units will enable users to plug in their own pen drives and download a movie for an average of 4.90BR — this is 2BR less than they would usually pay for a DVD rental. A 4GB drive will be capable of carrying 5 DVD-quality movies, which can then be played on a computer or USB-enabled TV.

3. Viinyl - Montreal-based Viinyl gives musical bands an attractive landing page for each song they create. There's currently no cost to bands, and each site comes with lyrics, artwork, videos, notes, various download options, promotional tools, analytics, and more.

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